Page 11 - Building Journal - November 2017
P. 11


benefit the architecture, engineering and
construction (AEC) industry.
"Virtual reality has the potential to be
the biggest paradigm shift in history for
architects, engineers and designers, providing
incredible efficiencies and cost savings while
empowering professionals to design with
previously unmatched levels of precision,"
said Mr. Sean Chiao, Aecom's president, Asia
The MOU establishes a cooperative and
long-term relationship of the two companies
in delivering transformative infrastructure
projects of scale and consequence around the
world, and HTC's emphasis on developing La Reserve Residences,
next-generation innovations including Vive, joint statement: Both firms are delighted Dubai
a first-of-its-kind virtual reality platform, built to announce Egis investment of a majority Award winning project
and optimized for room-scale VR and true- interest in 10 Design. The complimentary by 10 Design
to-life interactions. geographic footprints and design skills of
"We are very excited to partner with each firm provide an incredible platform for
the world's leading AEC company," said multiskill collaboration.
Raymond Pao, Vice President of VR New Thomas Salvant, Executive Director -
Technology, HTC. "We have seen enterprises Buildings at Egis says: Egis has been looking
using Vive for employee training, product into expansion of building design activities in
ID design, review and showcasing in the South East Asia for some time. The strategic
past 18 months. With the collaboration with partnership with 10 Design presents a great
Aecom we now can jointly bring the AEC opportunity to enrich Egis services to include
industry to a new era by providing immersive high value added architectural design.
visualization during designs, plan and build/ David Pringle, CEO at 10 Design adds:
construct stages. Having established a strong reputation for
Vive unveiled the VIVE FOCUS, its design in Asia and MENA, working in Europe
highly anticipated premium standalone VR was always 10 Designs next big step. Egis
headset for the China market at its Vive offers us a significant opportunity to do so,
Developer Conference 2017, which will be and we are very excited about our future
the inaugural product under the MOU to collaboration.
go into beta testing in a newly established Egis is an international group offering
VR laboratory in Taiwan. The laboratory engineering, project structuring and
will be expected to incubate a host of future operations services. In engineering and
innovations, such as content demonstrating consulting, its sectors of activity include
the full array of possibilities and benefits that transport, building, urban development,
VR presents to AEC professionals planning, industry, water, environment and energy.
constructing and maintaining physical In roads and airports, its offer is enlarged
structures. This content will be showcased to encompass project structuring, equity
on a special service portal dedicated for the investment, facilities delivery and operations.
AEC sector and used to promote widespread The group additionally deploys its expertise
adoption of VR technologies across in areas such as new mobility services and
professional communities. turnkey energy systems. Employing 13,800
people, including 8,300 in engineering,
10 Design Architects the group generated a managed turnover of
ยข1.02 billion in 2016.
joins Egis Group
On 31st October 2017, Hong Kong based CUHK Rural Architectural

architectural firm, 10 Design, joined Europes Project wins top
leading consulting and engineering firm, international award
Egis, to form an integrated design group with
a global capability. An anti-seismic earth house built by the One
Egis and 10 Design made the following University One Village (1U1V) team at The Building Journal 9
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