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June 1, 2009

Shek O Quarry beautification project to complete in 2010
Upon completion of the rehabilitation works for Shek O Quarry in December 2009, the Government plans to develop the quarry into a water sports centre and construct artificial nesting sites to provide a habitat for peregrine falcons.
     Government's Metroplan of 1989 identified Shek O Quarry as an area of degraded landscape that required rehabilitation, and put forward the concept of developing the rehabilitated quarry into a water sports centre. Consultant ornithologists also recommended that artificial nesting sites be constructed on cliffs as part of the rehabilitation works to provide a habitat for peregrine falcons. In January 1994, the then Civil Engineering Department (CED) commenced the SOQ rehabilitation works.
     The rock excavation works at the quarry are near completion, while the beautification and rehabilitation works are approximately 70% completed. Trees planted are growing well and cover the slope surfaces extensively. The whole project is expected to complete by June 2010.


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