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June 1, 2009

Road works at Kennedy Road, Queen's Road East and Ship Street planned
The Government published a notice in the Gazette on proposed road works at Kennedy Road, Queen's Road East and Ship Street in Wan Chai, aiming to cope with the future development of a nearby site (Inland Lot No.8715).
     The works include, among other things, widening and realignment of sections of the existing carriageways and footpaths at Kennedy Road and Queen's Road East with associated road modification works; construction of an underpass, and a flyover with associated footpath, lift and staircases connecting Kennedy Road with the proposed Inland Lot No. 8715; and provision of a walkway of 4.5 metres in width within the future public open space at Ship Street, staircases leading to Kennedy Road, and associated road widening and improvement works.
     The project is scheduled to commence in late 2009 or early 2010 for completion around 2014.


For Details <click here>