March 25, 2024
Advanced indoor environmental quality in new construction
The UL Verified Healthy Building Mark for New Construction is designed for new commercial, residential and industrial construction projects to help customers differentiate their project and appeal to potential occupants by demonstrating a commitment to better indoor environmental quality.
UL Solutions launched its new UL Verified Healthy Building Mark for New Construction, which empowers building owners and industry professionals to differentiate their new construction projects and support the health and wellness of future occupants.
"People are becoming more aware of how indoor air, water and other factors can affect their health, from potential tenants considering an apartment lease to global companies searching for office space. Demonstrating a commitment to better indoor environmental quality can add value for new and redeveloped buildings, helping to differentiate a project among future occupants and meet rising expectations for better health and wellness in the built environment," said Joel Ritschel, director of Enterprise Sustainability in the Healthy Buildings group at UL Solutions.
As part of the process toward verification, UL Solutions empowers developers to make key choices to optimize indoor environmental health and wellness from the early stages of a project, potentially avoiding more costly and time-consuming changes after completing construction or improvements. Through the UL Verified Healthy Building Mark for New Construction program, customers can achieve one of four verification options:
- UL Verified Healthy Building for New Construction Core and Shell
- UL Verified Healthy Building for New Construction Indoor Air
- UL Verified Healthy Building for New Construction Indoor Air and Water
- UL Verified Healthy Building for New Construction Residential

UL Verification Marks are globally recognized, and the verification process incorporates on-site measurements and visual inspections with a science-driven, expert-led approach to indoor environmental quality (IEQ). With over 40 years of IEQ experience, UL Solutions collaborates proactively with customers' project teams to help them accomplish their goals and achieve the optimal verification option for their built environment. The UL Verified Healthy Building Mark for New Construction was designed to work in tandem with third-party certification programs for sustainable buildings, including the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM), ENERGY STAR®, Fitwel, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the WELL Building Standard and more.
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